Wednesday, September 26, 2012

A New Direction!

HELLO all my wonderful, amazing Lovelies!
Yes, it has been a lifetime since I've been able to post anything. Between having surgery back in June and moving to a new state, and my daughter starting kindergarten, I have been one busy little bee!
During this time, I have come to a decision about what to do with this blog. I don't think I can maintain it the way I used to; feeling self-applied pressure to read all the time so I could have something to post about and spending hours researching book news and on and on. So what I've decided to do is change the direction of my beloved blog from strictly book reviews to pretty much whatever I want.
I will continue to read and review YA books because that is my true love, however, it will be at my leisure - so basically whenever I have the time to read, I will review the book just minus the pressure of trying to make it a weekly thing. But I will also review other things, like movies (which I did a little bit of too), tv shows as well as discuss anything else I feel will interest the general public.
I may not sound like much is changing, and there isn't, but I feel more at ease giving myself the freedom to post when I can and being able to discuss whatever else I find interesting. This will no longer be a strict book-blog.
The changes will not be immediate, but I hope you will continue to check in and come back often once the shift has been made.
I love my followers and I have missed you so!
Laters, baby! <----- be="be" coming="coming" font="font" gets="gets" reference="reference" review="review" that="that" too="too" who="who" will="will" yeah="yeah">


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