Last night at midnight, Eclipse the Movie premiered and I was first in line to see it! My friends and I waited (outside) for 3 hours, then another 2 hours waiting inside the theater and it was ALL worth it!
The movie was great! It feels so good to finally see my favorite book in the saga on the big screen. Overall, the movie itself was rushed. Things kept happening so quickly...boom boom boom. One minute we're telling Jacob that graduation (in one month) is the deadline, the next minute, it was graduation. Even though they skipped to things really quickly, none of the important parts of the book were missing. Yes, there were events that happened out of order, they kind of just threw things in wherever they could fit them. Yet, it wasn't sloppy and it wasn't disappointing.
Robert Pattinson was a much better Edward in this movie than he was in the first two. I believe he was more in tune with his character this time around. Maybe it was better direction from David Slade or maybe it was just Pattinson getting to know his character better. Taylor Lautner is shirtless a lot and that was a major plus! An even bigger plus would have been to see Edward half-naked sometimes too! There was a lot more humor in this one, just like there should have been. I have to say, even Kristen Stuart's acting was better in this one! All the characters seemed to be so much more natural. Even though I'm Team Edward, it was really hard to watch Jacob being so in love with Bella and not wish that there was a way for them to be together too! I know Jacob will be happy in the end, but there's still a small part of me that wants it to work out for them.
The fight scene was really awesome...but the tent that was highlight of the evening! There is no better part in the entire Twilight Saga than the tent scene! Seeing it played out almost exactly like I saw it in my head when I read it, made waiting a whole to see it, worth it.
Having read The Short Second Life of Bree Tanner before seeing the movie made it easy to fill in the background story of the newborn army that you don't get in Eclipse the movie or the book. I liked knowing what happened between Riley and Victoria and with Bree.
So do I recommend you see this movie? Absolutely! Even if it didn't live up to my expectations (which it did, and a little more), I'd still say you should go see it! Now the heartbreaking part - Breaking Dawn isn't released until next year November! :( *sniff*
By the way, there was a lot of making out in this movie! Yay for us big girls...but maybe not so much if you have a young daughter who wants to see it too.